Uiwang City Poil-Aulim Library reopened on the 26th. Photo courtesy of Uiwang City
Uiwang=Energy Economic Daily Kang Geun Joo-ju Reporter Uiwang City’s Foil-Aulim Library will reopen on the 26th with additional reading seats and reconfigured space.
The Poil-A-Woolim Library, which opened on the 3rd floor of the Poil-A-Woolim Center in September 2021, has been in use since the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, but as the number of library users continued to increase, the lack of reading seats in the library and the noise caused by the mixing of adult and children’s spaces caused great inconvenience to citizens.
As a result, the Foil-Aulim Library was temporarily closed from March 19 to 24, and the space was completely reorganized. The window shelves and the display shelves in the program room were rearranged to create reading seats for one person, and the spacing between the shelves was adjusted to create a reading table for four people.
In addition, in response to the increasing demand for laptops, outlets were installed at all seats for electricity, and additional lighting was installed for comfortable lighting. In addition, to solve the noise problem, the location of adult and baby and children’s books was adjusted to separate the space for adults and children, transforming it into a cultural space that reflects the needs of citizens.

Uiwang City Poil-Aulim Library reopened on the 26th. Photo courtesy of Uiwang City
Mayor Kim Sung-je said on the 25th, “I hope that the reopened Foil-Aulim Library will become a reading, culture, and communication space for citizens, and I will continue to actively work to create a library that citizens can use with satisfaction.”
Source: m.ekn.kr